Industrial & Tailings Water Treatment

Aeration can decrease pollutants, BOD, COD, phosphates, and, bacteria/coliform levels.
Aeration also oxidizes heavy metals and minerals that would otherwise coat industrial equipment that is submerged. Additionally, our systems reduce algae and plant growth, preventing buildup in filtration systems.
Aeration also decreases pH making water more suitable for greenhouses or hydroponics operations. Our aeration systems have lowered pH levels from 9 to 7, virtually eliminating the need for chemical water treatment.
The products listed below are cost-effective, efficient, and reliable products that present solutions to your water treatment needs.
Aeration also oxidizes heavy metals and minerals that would otherwise coat industrial equipment that is submerged. Additionally, our systems reduce algae and plant growth, preventing buildup in filtration systems.
Aeration also decreases pH making water more suitable for greenhouses or hydroponics operations. Our aeration systems have lowered pH levels from 9 to 7, virtually eliminating the need for chemical water treatment.
The products listed below are cost-effective, efficient, and reliable products that present solutions to your water treatment needs.

Can be used to keep fish alive during winter.
Can take as little as one 1hp AF aerator for 10 Acres of lake area.
Caution Aerators might freeze in place during long power outages
Water levels less than 7 feet deep or if oxygen is critically low with fish present
KASCO AF Surface Aerators
Can take as little as one 1hp AF aerator for 10 Acres of lake area.
Caution Aerators might freeze in place during long power outages
Water levels less than 7 feet deep or if oxygen is critically low with fish present
KASCO AF Surface Aerators

If water depth is over 6 feet deep or if you need year round aeration
Can-Air or Kasco Robust-Aire Underwater Aeration System