aeration system maintenance
Aeration system costs?

Cost of a pond or lake aeration system is dependent on a number of factors including water body area, volume, depth and accessibility of a power source. Electrical costs to run the aeration system are also dependent on a number of factors.
The below link to a cost calculator can provide a rough estimate of some aspects of your aeration project.
Electricity costs to power your aeration system need to be considered as well. The below chart provides a rough estimate of the electricity costs you can expect to power your system. *Costs are based on $0.11/kwh as per Alberta energy costs*
Please contact Pond Pro Canada for a detailed estimate of your aeration project.
The below link to a cost calculator can provide a rough estimate of some aspects of your aeration project.
Electricity costs to power your aeration system need to be considered as well. The below chart provides a rough estimate of the electricity costs you can expect to power your system. *Costs are based on $0.11/kwh as per Alberta energy costs*
Please contact Pond Pro Canada for a detailed estimate of your aeration project.