Aquatic Solutions for Residential Ponds & Watergardens

Residential ponds and water gardens can greatly enhance your property but they can also bring homeowners significant problems if not properly managed. Pond Pro Canada offers a wide variety of aeration solutions to eliminate excess algae and weed growth, eliminate foul smelling water, and improve water quality. Our products aim to improve water in both aesthetic appeal and quality to create a clearer water and a healthier pond.
Please contact us with any questions as to how our products can provide solutions to your aquatic landscape.

For emergency aeration when dissolved oxygen levels are critically low. Can be used in conjunction with other aeration or used on its own
KASCO VFX Series decorative fountains

Aeration that creates stunning displays while reducing weed growth
KASCO J Series Decorative Fountains

For use in shallow ponds for aeration and for stunning fountain displays
KASCO xStream Series Decorative Fountain

If water depth is over 6 feet deep or if you need year round aeration
Can-Air or Kasco Robust-Aire Underwater Aeration System
If water depth is over 6 feet deep or if you need year round aeration
Can-Air or Kasco Robust-Aire Underwater Aeration System

Water levels less than 7 feet deep or if oxygen is critically low with fish present
KASCO AF Surface Aerators